Iām a software & web developer with a passion for problem-solving and writing clean code. I love having coffee while coding.
Get In Touchš Hello! My name is Neeraj and I'm a self taught developer. I believe in using technology to solve real-world problems. I started off coding programs for the microcontrollers during my bachelors and gradually became more interested in programming.
These are just some of the technologies & apps I use to build my programs.
E-commerce website with a friendly user experience with instant visual updates. It provides the user with the catalog of different product available for purchase in the store.
Travel planner is a web application that provides users with current & forecast weather for up to 5 days for selected city. It also provides a small description for city.
Angular, TypeScript, NodeJS, OpenweatherMaps
An imaginative and user-friendly online banking platform. Inspired from real world bank it offers transfer, request money and close account. (Username: bt , pin: 1111)
Quizzy is a web Application built using NodeJs and React. The database used for storing the questions and user scores is MongoDB.
ToDoApp is a simple todolist application where user can create, update & delete the tasks. This web application is built using React, Node.js, Express & MongoDB.
Number Guessing Game is an interactive JavaScript game where players must guess a randomly generated number within a specified range.
HTML, CSS , JavaScript